?> Everything you need to know about changes to the Residential Tenancies Act :: Wairarapa Property Investors' Association

Wairarapa Property Investors' Association

06 379 8188


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Everything you need to know about changes to the Residential Tenancies Act

Oct 27, 2016 - 7:00 pm

  Club Wairarapa, Essex Street, Masterton

Are you aware of your responsibilities and remedies under the changes to the RTA? You really need to be at this meeting to find out how the changes impact on you. We are fortunate to have Paul Davies of MBIE, who is coming up from Wellington to give us the run-down.

Tim Horsburgh will also spend a few minutes giving us an update from the Property Investors' Association conference, being held the previous weekend.    


Attendees are able to purchase drinks from the bar before and after the meeting. Club Wairarapa also offers a $14 roast on Thursdays, available from 5:30 pm, which attendees may wish to partake of prior to the meeting. This has to be a great deal with two meats and a selection of veges.